A Father’s Day Benediction

Spiritual Father's Dy photo kid and dad

Dear Jesus,

I know that the definition of a father in our culture most often is referred to as the biological connection between a father and son. Yet, I know so many men that may not have bore a child of their own but are deserving of this title even more so then those that may have a biological child. My husband is a great mentor to kids that come from a poor neighborhood. As a teacher, he is concerned about their academic success. He plans lessons diligently and with care to best meet the needs of all the students in his classroom including ethnicity, socioeconomic background, gender, etc. He provides them a safe nurturing environment for them to play games in his classroom after-school, on his own time, taking into consideration the skills he can teach them on a mathematical-logical level in his choice of games. I love him dearly and I honor him as well. I know that he is a dad to so many for a short season as he is investing so much into their development as future leaders. Lord, I ask that you would please bless my Husband on this day for all he does because in my eyes he is a dad!


A Loving Wife

Spiritual Father's Day